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2017/6/12      来源:东南大学自动化学院
报告题目:Towards Scalable Formal Design of Large-Scale Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
报 告 人:林海 副教授
单    位:美国圣母大学
时    间:2017年6月12日周一下午15:00
地    点:中心楼2楼教育部重点实验室会议室
邀请人/主持人:李世华 教授

Cyber-Physical systems (CPSs) refer to computational systems that are integrated with physical processes. Large-scale, distributed Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have been increasingly prevalent in our daily life. Examples include but not limited to connected vehicles, edge-centric computing, and energy/water/gas distribution networks. There is a pressing need for a scalable formal design theory enabling the engineering of distributed CPSs that can function robustly and reliably in uncertain and dynamic environments. This motivates our recent research efforts at the intersection of control theory, formal verification and machine learning. This talk will introduce a formal design framework for distributed CPSs by combining both top-down and bottom-up design methods. The basic idea is to decompose the global (system) specification into local tasks to parallelize the design process from the top-down design perspective, and, then, compose reusable modules locally to satisfy the design specifications using bottom-up approaches. To handle uncertainties, the idea of combining formal verification with machine learning is pursued to achieve verifiable adaptation/reconfiguration in the face of such uncertainties. Hence, the design is compositional, automatic and reactive enabling the distributed CPSs to reconfigure and adapt to changing environments and dynamic service requests. 
Hai Lin is currently an associate professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, where he got his Ph.D. in 2005. Before returning to his alma mater, Hai has been working as an assistant professor in the National University of Singapore from 2006 to 2011. Dr. Lin's teaching and research interests are in the multidisciplinary study of the problems at the intersections of control, communication, computation, machine learning and computational verification. His current research thrust is on cyber-physical systems, multi-robot cooperative tasking, and human-machine collaboration. Hai has been served in several committees and editorial board, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. He is currently serving as the Chair for the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems. He served as the Program Chair for IEEE ICCA 2011, IEEE CIS 2011 and the Chair for IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Singapore Chapter for 2009 and 2010. He is a senior member of IEEE and a recipient of 2013 NSF CAREER award.